
Application Re-Opening

Applications for IPBS MGM 2024/25 are closed now. If you want to be put on the prospect list for next year, please email to Irena Gaul at ipbsoffice@ipbsmgm.com

Make your choice

Choose from the following track and degree options according to your individual goals.

If you click on your preferred business school, you will be directly linked to its website to get more details.


Goodman School of Business, Brock University
St. Catharines, Canada
ESB Business School
Reutlingen University, Germany
Goodman School of Business, Brock University
St. Catharines, Canada
DCU Business School
Dublin City University, Ireland
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Piacenza, Italy
ESB Business School
Reutlingen University, Germany
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Piacenza, Italy
DCU Business School
Dublin City University, Ireland
Universidad de las Américas Puebla
Puebla/Cholula, Mexico
DCU Business School
Dublin City University, Ireland


DCU Business School
Dublin City University, Ireland
ESB Business School
Reutlingen University, Germany
NEOMA Business School
Reims, France
ESB Business School
Reutlingen University, Germany
NEOMA Business School
Reims, France
DCU Business School
Dublin City University, Ireland

Get an overview of the programme with DCU links here. Get an overview of the programme with ESB links here.

For full information about the programme structure and content/curriculum please visit the schools’ websites.

Please note that for tracks with ESB applicants with 180 ECTS (3 year bachelor) have to complete an additional internship during the programme (relevant work-experience post graduation may be pre-accredited).

Generally, the starting dates vary from school to school, from September/October. The starting dates for the first semester of the 2024/25 intake are as follows:

  • Brock University: 3rd September 2024
  • DCU Business School: 9th September 2024
  • NEOMA Business School: 30th September 2024
  • UCSC: 16th September 2024
  • UDLAP: Mid of October 2024

The second semester at DCU will start on 13th January 2025 and at ESB on 3rd March 2025.

The schools will contact you with specifics concerning the semester schedule.

Application process

Apply Now

Choose your
degree path

Complete the
application form

your files

Pay the
application fee

How to apply

The Admissions Committee, composed of people from the two schools involved in your track choice, will review your completed online application.
In the Application Form, you will be required to upload the following PDF documents: please provide us with all your files in English and only as PDF files!

Please note that applicants from ChinaIndia and Vietnam must apply for a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Service (APS) if they apply for a track with ESB and submit it together with their application documents. No admission can be granted without the APS certificate. Please see all the APS links for each country here

Current Résumé/Curriculum Vitae: current up to the date of application.

We require only one academic recommendation letter (provided by a business professor/lecturer). But if you have a professional letter of support available, you can also submit it.

It is preferable that the referees use the form available here: download pdf.
However, they may also use a less standardized recommendation such as a letter, written on letterhead paper.

Academic Transcripts: Scanned copies of all academic transcripts (provisional or final) in one pdf file. Please note that all tracks with Brock University require a minimum bachelor grade the equivalent of 2.3 (German grading system). All other tracks require a minimum grade the equivalent of 2.5 (German grading system) or upper second class honours grade 1 (2.1H or 60% Irish grading system). Applicants must be business graduates or have taken at least 4 business modules at bachelor level (2 of which must be from the quantitative area).

Work Experience: Applicants need at least 6 months of relevant full-time (or equivalent part-time) work experience since the start of their bachelor’s degree. This may include internships. Please submit scanned copies of proof of all relevant work experience since the start of your bachelor degree in one PDF. Please note that the work experience should not exceed five years for tracks with ESB.

English Language Certificate: the MSc Global Management curriculum is taught entirely in English. As evidence of fluency, applicants must achieve either:

  • a minimum TOEFL result of 88 ibt with a minimum of 21 in Speaking and Writing.
  • or a minimum IELTS of 6.5 overall band score, with a minimum of 6.0 in each of the components
  • or Pearson Test of English (Academic – 60 overall, minimum 50 in any component)
  • or Cambridge First Exam with a minimum score of 175
  • or Cambridge Advanced
  • or Cambridge Proficiency

Only tests that are maximum two years old at the time of application can be recognized.

Please note that for tracks with Goodman School of Business, Canada only non-native English-speaking applicants who have completed at least 3 years of their bachelor studies in an English-speaking country are exempt from doing a language test.

For all other tracks, applicants are exempt from doing one of the above stated English language tests if they have completed their entire studies in English or completed at least 50% of their bachelor programme in an English-speaking country. Proof must be provided.

Please note that TOEFL is offering a Home Edition test which could be an acceptable option for your application. Please visit their website for additional information: https://www.ets.org/s/cv/toefl/at-home/

Please kindly note that your language certificates can be handed in later (if not yet available). In this case, your acceptance to the programme is conditional on the fulfillment of our minimum requirements.

Application Fee: your non-refundable €50 application fee, to be paid electronically (by PayPal or via bank transfer) is due when you submit your online application (as last step).

If you do not have a PayPal account please contact our central IPBS MGM office at ipbsoffice@ipbsmgm.com that will provide you with the bank details.

Please note the following application deadlines depending on your track choice

For Single Degree tracks with Brock, UCSC, and UDLAP

  • 15 June 2024 (with applicants accepting places and paying deposits by 22 June 2024)

For Double Degree tracks DCU/ESB, NEOMA/DCU and NEOMA/ESB :

  • 15 July 2024 (with applicants accepting places and paying deposits by 31 July 2024)

If you are a non-EU applicant for a Double Degree track with DCU, please note that your application must be submitted by 1 July at the latest (with accepting places and paying deposits by 7 July 2024).


Find out more about our master in general management through the experience of our former students.

Emilie Gu

“The MGM programme gave me a great opportunity to study one semester in Dublin, getting the international experience that I was lacking in a city that I love. With the great diversity of subjects, we get to develop soft skills and hard skills that are essential in today’s global management setting. I met incredible people and friends for life coming from all over the world. Choosing this double degree programme is a great lever with recruiters and allowed me to achieve my dream to get a job in Tokyo!”

  • Emilie GU, France
    IPBS MGM 2022/23 NEOMA – DCU track
    VIE Junior Auditor, Société Général, Tokyo
testimonial marie bour

“Learning to be a global manager in a digital age is key to a successful future management career today. I believe that the NEOMA/ESB MGM programme provided me with some of the essential tools and skills necessary for this e.g. a knowledge of a broad range of strategic frameworks, digital competencies such as familiarity with relevant software and analytical tools, working in cross-cultural teams in English and building a great network of global corporate contacts.”

  • Marie Bour, Germany
    IPBS MGM 2022/23 NEOMA – EBS track
    Currently Tax Consultant, EY, Stuttgart
Testimonial Elena

“This programme allowed me to enhance technical skills in Finance and Statistics as well as professional skills such as the ability to present to a large audience. I had the opportunity to improve soft skills such as applying an open mindset, creativity and empathy. The Digital Disruption concentration at DCU focused on subjects that are in high demand in the job market. Data Visualization for example was strongly appreciated by the company that hired me. I recommend to all hesitant students to jump into this life-changing experience!”

  • Elena Stanghetta, Italy
    IPBS MGM 2021/22 UCSC – DCU track
    Currently Intern at BearingPoint, Milano

Admission process

Your application will be screened by the Programme Directors of the track you have applied to and, if successful, you will receive a study place offer generally within two weeks. If unsuccessful, you will also be notified generally within two weeks.

Upon your admission to the IPBS MSc Global Management Programme you will receive a formal Study Place Offer with all terms and conditions by email.

To proceed to enrolment you must sign the Study Place Offer and pay the first payment instalment of EUR 1,000.

Please note that the deadline for enrolment varies based on the track choice.

In case of withdrawal, the first instalment is refundable only if you subsequently fail to meet the entry requirements (e.g. final degree grade below the required minimum, an unsatisfactory language test result).

When enrolled in the MSc in Global Management Programme, students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations in force at each partner school.

Programme costs 2024/25

The total cost of the study programme varies based on whether the applicant is from an EU country or non-EU country:


TRACK EU student
pricing in €
NON EU student
pricing in €
Goodman School of Business / ESB Business School 15,700 18,625
Goodman School of Business / DCU Business School 15,700 18,625
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore / ESB Business School 13,700 17,200
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore / DCU Business School 13,700 17,200
Universidad de las Américas Puebla / DCU Business School 13,700 17,200


TRACK EU student
pricing in €
NON EU student
pricing in €
DCU Business School / ESB Business School 14,300 18,200
NEOMA Business School / ESB Business School 18,500 18,500
NEOMA Business School / DCU Business School 18,500 18,500

Other expenses must be also considered, such as:


  • Travel, lodging and living expenses (including health insurance)
  • Textbooks
  • Repeat modules and/or resit (if available)
  • All other miscellaneous expenses


Some schools are also required by law to charge a registration fee.
Please also note that extracurricular activities must be paid for separately.

How to pay for the programme?

Upon formal registration, you must pay a first instalment of EUR 1,000, a second instalment no later than 15 September of the respective year and a third instalment no later than 30 November of the respective year.

Full details of payment amounts will be given in your official study place offer.

Please note that the initial EUR 1,000 deposited to confirm your decision to accept your study place and proceed to the enrolment phase, is not refundable in case of withdrawal unless you do not meet the minimum enrolment requirements stated in your study place offer (e.g. final bachelor grade or English language test is too low).